UPDATE: 10/12/06
Happy Goddamn Birthday. Five Goddamn Years.
912-915: Yuka Takeuchi Fan
932: Xenosaga Freaks DVD music (Listening to it when making the strip)
949 & 950: Popcorn
975/976: Hobbylink product image (THIS WORLD NEEDS MORE MEATCLEAVER LOLI)
Any mispellings: zomg europeans
Five God damn years and I haven't dumped the comic yet. Good fucking god what is wrong with me. Also UPDATE TO INDEX LOL
A lack of updates can be easily explained in that I can't bring my laptop to work for breaks anymore so I can only update at home. No real big deal. I don't miss internets that much. Wasting time in the waiting room watching the news is enough of a replacement until I get home. Even so, I guess I'll do comics when I feel like it. I noticed Megatokyo's in the 900s. I bet Fred-chan will surpase me sometime soon :< GODSPEED FRED-CHAN. Godspeed.
I quite enjoy Megatokyo, really. I seem to be alone in that. The fact seems to give some people cancer. A MIGHTY INTERNET CANCER.
Hopefully I'll get to buying some hostage and a domain name and move the comic to my own webspace. Not sure why, but I think it'd be fun. I also may look into reverting the site back to the old style from Geocities. lol 800+ lines oh boy. STICK AROUND, I might do it by next summer.
Places I hang in:
#srb2 Left again because they are all mean and nasty and violently angry at disagreement and stupid people :<
You people may like to know that I have banners you can use to link to the comic, in case you hate yourself. A lot. Read on above the archives listings to find them.
I decided I would pester my readers(you faggots) to send in requests on what I should do for a strip. Please, e-mail me at my mass crapstash e-mail. Refrain from sending in already made strips, as those will be sent to the fanmade page. Unless you don't mind that. Thank you. And all ideas are credited. Because it is not nice to not give correct credit sometimes. Which I've probably done so many times...
This guy is here to tell you...stuff.
Five years. Five years ago from when the lot of us made webcomics on Moogle MB.
The Archives:
The preserved page from Geocities.
BleistiftAnsatz Sissy is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.